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If you would like to expose the Pioreactor UI to view remotely, you can use a service like Ngrok to do so.


This exposes your Pioreactor UI and therefore your Raspberry Pi over the internet. You should have a strong password on your Raspberry Pi leader, and use a strong password for basic-auth (below). We make our best security effort in our products, however we are not responsible for any damages as a result of exposing your Raspberry Pi online.

The following are the steps to take:

  1. Sign up for Ngrok - the free plan is all we need. Make sure to confirm your account through your email.
  2. Download the app onto the Raspberry Pi: wget -O ngrok.tgz
  3. Unzip: tar zxvf ngrok.tgz
  4. Make a new folder for the program: sudo mkdir /opt/ngrok
  5. Move ngrok file there: sudo mv ngrok /opt/ngrok
  6. Make a config folder: mkdir ~/.ngrok
  7. Fill in the following: nano ~/.ngrok/ngrok.yml. We advise changing the basic auth credentials below to something more secure
authtoken: <add your ngrok auth token here, find in nrgok dashboard>
proto: http
addr: 80
inspect: false
basic_auth: ["pioreactor:vogue-awesome-brag"] #change this
- http
proto: http
addr: 9001
inspect: false
- http
version: "2"
region: us
  1. Run in background:
nohup /opt/ngrok/ngrok start ui ws --config ~/.ngrok/ngrok.yml &

Alternatively, if you wish to set this up as a service that will launch on start up, the following sudo systemctl enable ngrok

  1. At, you'll see two urls. One of the unique urls should link to your Pioreactor dashboard (when asked for a name and password, use the user name and the password used in the config above). However, the UI will crash - this is expected. Continue on.
  2. The other url is added to your config.ini. While SSH'd into your leader, open the config.ini:
nano ~/.pioreactor/config.ini

And edit the following section (but put in your unique url)

# this should not have any https:// infront:
ws_url=<your url>
  1. Deploy your config with pios sync-configs, and refresh your UI that previously crashed.

  2. You're all done! You can now access the Pioreactor UI anywhere. The username and password are the same you added to your yaml file above.