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Blue LED flashing & error codes

When a Pioreactor successfully boots, the onboard blue LED will flash quickly for 2 seconds, and then stop. However, there are times when the Pioreactor encounters an error, and will use the LED to alert to you that something is wrong. By counting the number of short flashes (per cycle), you can diagnose what might be wrong.

Number of flashesError
1Can't connect to network
2Can't connect to leader
3SD card is almost full
4Stirring RPM is 0
5ADC input is very high
6Heating PCB is above 60 ℃
7Voltage problem
8Webserver offline

The blue LED is constantly on?

If your blue LED is constantly on, it suggests either an hardware error, or that your Pioreactor is missing it's config.ini. Try a reboot, and if it persists, SSH in and check for the file ~/.pioreactor/config.ini. If that file is missing, it's either a worker that hasn't been connected to a cluster, or some part of the installation has gone wrong.