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Working with plugins

Pioreactor plugins are a way to distribute code to others (or yourself), and avoid having to use the command line each time you invoke your custom code - you should be able to just use the web interface.

There are two ways to distribute a plugin:

1. Adding Python files to plugins folder

On each Pioreactor's Raspberry Pi is a folder at /home/pioreactor/.pioreactor/plugins. When the Pioreactor software starts, any Python files in this folder are read and loaded into memory. If you were to include an automation in here, or a background job (with the click CLI component), they would be available globally.

Why would you want to distribute code this way? It's a great way to test or develop your code instead of committing to other distribution methods: short iterations times, tight feedback loop, and code runs in the production environment. Two downsides are that it's harder to distribute your code to the rest of the community, and that it doesn't have the same deployment pipeline (adding configs, etc.)


The Pioreactor software will load and run each Python file in /plugins on each invocation of pio. Don't have long-running or blocking code without wrapping it in a function or if __name__ == "__main__". For example:

# my plugin
#❌ don't do this
import time

# ✅ this is okay
import time

def sleep():

# ✅ also is okay
import time

if __name__ == "__main__":

Custom background jobs

Here's an example: place the following code into the file /home/pioreactor/.pioreactor/plugins/

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import click
from pioreactor.whoami import get_unit_name, get_assigned_experiment_name
from pioreactor.background_jobs.base import BackgroundJob

__plugin_summary__ = "Just a demo job"
__plugin_version__ = "0.0.1"
__plugin_name__ = "Demo job"
__plugin_author__ = "Cam Davidson-Pilon"
__plugin_homepage__ = ""

class DemoJob(BackgroundJob):


def __init__(self, unit, experiment, **kwargs):
super().__init__(unit=unit, experiment=experiment)

def on_ready(self):
self.logger.debug("Hello, world!")

def on_disconnected(self):
self.logger.debug("Goodbye, world!")

@click.command(name="demo_job", help=__plugin_summary__)
def click_demo_job():

unit = get_unit_name()
experiment = get_assigned_experiment_name(unit)
job = DemoJob(

You should be able to execute the following from the command line now: pio run demo_job.

Finally, in your web interface under plugins, you should see "Demo Job" installed.


How do you add this to your /pioreactors page in the UI? See here.

Custom scripts

If you are interested in creating a Python script to control multiple jobs, like in a previous Python scripting example, you can create a file called in the /home/pioreactor/.pioreactor/plugins/ folder:

import time
import click
from pioreactor.background_jobs.stirring import start_stirring
from pioreactor.background_jobs.od_reading import start_od_reading
from pioreactor.actions.led_intensity import led_intensity
from pioreactor.background_jobs.temperature_automation import start_temperature_automation

__plugin_summary__ = "My example script to control stirring, OD and temperature"
__plugin_version__ = "0.0.1"
__plugin_name__ = "Example Script"
__plugin_author__ = "Cam Davidson-Pilon"
__plugin_homepage__ = ""

@click.command(name="my_script", help=__plugin_summary__) # the name field is used in the invocation `pio run X`
def click_my_script():

led_intensity({"B": 50})

stirrer = start_stirring(target_rpm=400)
od_reader = start_od_reading("90", "REF")
temp_automation = start_temperature_automation("thermostat", target_temperature=32)



You should be able to execute the following from the command line now: pio run my_script. (The my_script is from the @click.command line, you can change it there).


The function that click.command wraps should have it's name prepended by click_. Ex: def click_my_script is okay, but def my_script is not.


How do you add this to your /pioreactors page in the UI? See here.

Custom automations

Here's an example of adding a custom automation: place the following code into the file /home/pioreactor/.pioreactor/plugins/

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pioreactor.automations.dosing.base import DosingAutomationContrib

__plugin_summary__ = "A demo dosing automation"
__plugin_version__ = "0.0.1"
__plugin_name__ = "Demo Dosing Automation"
__plugin_author__ = "Cam Davidson-Pilon"
__plugin_homepage__ = ""

class DemoAutomation(DosingAutomationContrib):

automation_name = "demo"

def __init__(self, volume, **kwargs):
self.volume = volume

def execute(self):
self.logger("Here I would execute...")

You should be able to execute the following from the command line now:

pio run dosing_automation --automation-name demo --volume 10

How do you add this to your /pioreactors page in the UI? See here.

2. pip-installable plugins

An alternative to placing Python files in the plugins folder is to bundle your code into a Python package that can be installed over the internet. This is the best way to ship your code to many users, and is pretty easy! We have a full guide on how to create a Pioreactor Python package.