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Writing a custom background job

Introductory example

For this introductory example, we'll create a background job that controls an LED in channel A on the Pioreactor HAT. When the job ends (either by us exiting, or via a MQTT signal), the LED will turn off.

We start with some imports, and a class definition:

from pioreactor.background_jobs.base import BackgroundJob
from pioreactor.actions.led_intensity import led_intensity

class IntroJob(BackgroundJob):


We've given the class the simple name of IntroJob. Our background job must inherit from BackgroundJob. All jobs require a job_name: the job_name is usually the snake-case of the class name.

Next we'll define some initial attributes:

from pioreactor.background_jobs.base import BackgroundJob
from pioreactor.actions.led_intensity import led_intensity

class IntroJob(BackgroundJob):

published_settings = {
'intensity': {'datatype': "float", "unit": "%", "settable": True}
intensity = 0
LED_channel = "A"

We declare that the intensity attribute is to be published and controllable over MQTT. We'll see this in action later. We also set intensity to be 0 initially, and use channel A to control.

Next we add the __init__, which should always accept at least unit and experiment (as strings). unit refers to the name of the Pioreactor (the hostname), and experiment is the experiment the job is associated to.

from pioreactor.background_jobs.base import BackgroundJob
from pioreactor.actions.led_intensity import led_intensity

class IntroJob(BackgroundJob):

published_settings = {
'intensity': {'datatype': "float", "unit": "%", "settable": True}
intensity = 0
LED_channel = "A"

def __init__(self, unit, experiment):
super().__init__(unit=unit, experiment=experiment)

We call super to initialize the super class, BackgroundJob, with the unit, and experiment.

Next, we define a function, set_intensity that will be called whenever intensity is changed remotely (we'll do this later). The set_intensity function updates intensity and will change the onboard LED power for channel A. Remember, whenever the attribute intensity changes, it's published to MQTT.

from pioreactor.background_jobs.base import BackgroundJob
from pioreactor.actions.led_intensity import led_intensity

class IntroJob(BackgroundJob):

published_settings = {
'intensity': {'datatype': "float", "unit": "%", "settable": True}
intensity = 0
LED_channel = "A"

def __init__(self, unit, experiment):
super().__init__(unit=unit, experiment=experiment)

def set_intensity(self, intensity):
self.intensity = intensity
led_intensity(channels=self.LED_channel, intensities=self.intensity)

Next, we create the "on exit" behaviour (turn off LED) by overwriting the on_disconnected function.

from pioreactor.background_jobs.base import BackgroundJob
from pioreactor.actions.led_intensity import led_intensity

class IntroJob(BackgroundJob):

published_settings = {
'intensity': {'datatype': "float", "unit": "%", "settable": True}
intensity = 0
LED_channel = "A"

def __init__(self, unit, experiment):
super().__init__(unit=unit, experiment=experiment)

def set_intensity(self, intensity):
self.intensity = intensity
led_intensity(channels=self.LED_channel, intensities=self.intensity)

def on_disconnected(self):

Finally, we add a small script at the bottom to run our new job when the Python file is invoked:

from pioreactor.background_jobs.base import BackgroundJob
from pioreactor.actions.led_intensity import led_intensity

class IntroJob(BackgroundJob):

published_settings = {
'intensity': {'datatype': "float", "unit": "%", "settable": True}
intensity = 0
LED_channel = "A"

def __init__(self, unit, experiment):
super().__init__(unit=unit, experiment=experiment)

def set_intensity(self, intensity):
self.intensity = intensity
led_intensity(channels=self.LED_channel, intensities=self.intensity)

def on_disconnected(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
from pioreactor.whoami import get_unit_name
from pioreactor.whoami import get_assigned_experiment_name

unit = get_unit_name()
experiment = get_unit_name(unit)

job = IntroJob(unit=unit, experiment=experiment)


If you save this code in a file called, we can run it from the command line: python3

In another terminal window, try the following:

pio mqtt -t "pioreactor/+/+/intro_job/#"

You should see some metadata about this job ($state is ready, some info about intensity), but also you should see the current value of intensity, namely 0. You can cancel the job with ctrl-c in the original terminal window.

Adding an additional line in

if __name__ == "__main__":
from pioreactor.whoami import get_unit_name
from pioreactor.whoami import get_assigned_experiment_name

unit = get_unit_name()
experiment = get_assigned_experiment_name(unit)

job = IntroJob(unit=unit, experiment=experiment)


And rerunning the job, you should see MQTT have updated intensity data.

More advanced example

We'll explain how a more advanced background job is written using the example application of a job that controls an external motor (the load). This motor may control a larger stirrer, or shaker, or air-pump, but is regulated by the amount of voltage applied - that is, the more voltage applied, the more output from the motor.

The Pioreactor HAT has four available pulse-width modulation (PWM) outputs, with programmable frequency and duty cycle (DC). For this example, we'll set a frequency that works for the motor. We also wish to increase the DC in proportion to the normalized optical density (this may represent needing to add more air, or shaking, as the culture's oxygen requirements increase). Let's start with the some imports and the class' __init__:

from pioreactor.background_jobs.base import BackgroundJob

class MotorDriver(BackgroundJob):


def __init__(self, hz, initial_duty_cycle, unit, experiment, **kwargs):
super().__init__(unit=unit, experiment=experiment)
self.hz = hz
self._initial_duty_cycle = initial_duty_cycle
self.duty_cycle = initial_duty_cycle

We see that the __init__ requires the two parameters for PWM: hz and an inital_duty_cycle. One rarely changes the hertz of PWM, so its fixed - but we do often change the duty cycle, so we create a variable self.duty_cycle and assign it the initial_duty_cycle. We also need to supply the unit name (the hostname), and the experiment name. We'll populate these at run time later. Finally, we need a job_name to pass to the super class, BackgroundJob. This should be unique from other jobs that may run. Often we use the "snake_case" of the class name as the job name. We give it the job name motor_driver.

We next initialize the PWM code (this is still in the __init__) that controls the PWM outputs on the HAT, and add more imports:

from pioreactor.hardware_mappings import PWM_TO_PIN
from pioreactor.utils.pwm import PWM
from pioreactor.config import config


def __init__(...)

pwm_pin = PWM_TO_PIN[config["PWM_reverse", "motor_driver"]]
self.pwm = PWM(pwm_pin, self.hz)


The PWM_TO_PIN is lookup that maps settings in your config.ini to the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins (which we use for the output PWM). Which means we also need update the [PWM] section in your config.ini:


In the above code, we next initialize the PWM class. This is an abstraction to make working with the PWM hardware easier. For example, the next line, self.pwm.lock(), will put a lock on that Raspberry Pi GPIO pin, making it difficult for other processes to use it by mistake. We haven't started the PWM yet, we'll do that later.

Next, we want to include the behavior to update the duty cycle when we get new normalized OD readings. This is typically done with a callback when a new MQTT message is received. See code below:

    def __init__(...)



def start_passive_listeners(self):
self.logger.debug("Listening for od_filtered topics")

Note the self.logger.debug(...) line. Each background job has a Python logger that will log to four places: MQTT, the SQLite3 database, the terminal, and the log file on disk. See Python's logging module for more.

The callback, update_duty_cycle_by_normalized_od, needs to be written:

import json


def update_duty_cycle_by_normalized_od(self, message):
payload = json.loads(message.payload)

if self.state == self.READY:
self.set_duty_cycle(payload["od_filtered"] * self._initial_duty_cycle)

def set_duty_cycle(self, new_duty_cycle):
self.duty_cycle = clamp(0, float(new_duty_cycle), 100)
self.logger.debug(f"new dc: {self.duty_cycle}")

In the callback, update_duty_cycle_by_normalized_od, we accept the message object. The message has two important properties: topic and payload. We only care about the payload, which is a string of json. We de-serialize the json to a dict.

We only want to update the duty cycle if the job is in state READY (read about states here). If this is true, we call set_duty_cycle to update our duty cycle. This method handles the logic of clamping the value to be between 0 and 100, and we've stuck a debug in there so we can watch it change.

What is the relationship between normalized OD and duty cycle. We do something naive, and just multiple the initial duty cycle by the normalized OD. So if the initial_duty_cycle is 10%, and the culture has 3.5x, then our new duty cycle is 35%. It is very naive.

Finally, we need to think about changing states. What should our job do when the user pauses the job? How do we safely disconnect from the PWM? We use the state callback methods to handle these changes:

    def on_init_to_ready(self):

def on_ready_to_sleeping(self):
self._previous_duty_cycle = self.duty_cycle

def on_sleeping_to_ready(self):

def on_disconnected(self):

After the job moves from init to ready (implicitly done after the __init__ finishes), the function on_init_to_ready is called. This starts the PWM, which starts the motor.

When we sleep (pause), we record the last duty_cycle value, and use that to populate the duty_cycle when we re-start the job.

Let's recap what we have so far, and save this to a file called (ideally we save it in /home/pioreactor/.pioreactor/plugins/:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json

from pioreactor.config import config
from pioreactor.background_jobs.base import BackgroundJob
from pioreactor.hardware_mappings import PWM_TO_PIN
from pioreactor.utils.pwm import PWM
from pioreactor.utils import clamp

class MotorDriver(BackgroundJob):

published_settings = {
"duty_cycle": {"datatype": "float", "settable": False, "unit": "%"},
_previous_duty_cycle: None

def __init__(self, hz, initial_duty_cycle, unit, experiment, **kwargs):
super().__init__(unit=unit, experiment=experiment)
self.hz = hz
self._initial_duty_cycle = initial_duty_cycle
self.duty_cycle = initial_duty_cycle

self.pwm_pin = PWM_TO_PIN[config["PWM_reverse", "motor_driver"]]

self.pwm = PWM(self.pwm_pin, self.hz)


def update_duty_cycle_by_normalized_od(self, message):
payload = json.loads(message.payload)

if self.state == self.READY:
self.set_duty_cycle(payload["od_filtered"] * self._initial_duty_cycle)

def set_duty_cycle(self, new_duty_cycle):
self.duty_cycle = clamp(0, float(new_duty_cycle), 100)
self.logger.debug(f"new dc: {self.duty_cycle}")

def start_passive_listeners(self):
self.logger.debug("Listening for od_filtered topics")

def on_init_to_ready(self):

def on_ready_to_sleeping(self):
self._previous_duty_cycle = self.duty_cycle

def on_sleeping_to_ready(self):

def on_disconnected(self):
self.logger.debug("disconnecting... will clean up PWM")

This class works as is, but we also want to develop a command line interface for it so we can run it like pio run motor_driver.

At the bottom of the file, we add:

import click

default=config.getfloat("motor_driver", "initial_duty_cycle"),
type=click.FloatRange(0, 100, clamp=True),
default=config.getfloat("motor_driver", "hz"),
type=click.FloatRange(1, 10_000, clamp=True),
def click_motor_driver(initial_dc, hz):
Start the external motor
from pioreactor.whoami import get_unit_name, get_assigned_experiment_name

unit = get_unit_name()
experiment = get_assigned_experiment_name(unit)

job = MotorDriver(

Note the helper functions get_unit_name and get_assigned_experiment_name to get the metadata for the class. The method block_until_disconnected will halt the program at that line (and only continue when a keyboard interrupt is detected).

If you save it in the plugins folder, you can now execute: pio run motor_driver --initial-dc 10 and it should just work! You can exit with ctrl-c, and note that the on_disconnect is called when you do this.

Adding published_settings

Suppose we wish to monitor, or log, or just otherwise publish the duty_cycle from the MotorDriver class. We can "register" the attribute duty_cycle in the published_settings:

class MotorDriver(BackgroundJob):

published_settings = {
"duty_cycle": {"datatype": "float", "settable": False, "unit": "%"},

def __init__(...)

If you open up the MQTT stream using pio mqtt, you should see duty_cycle appear under the topic pioreactor/<unit>/<experiment>/motor_driver/duty_cycle.