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More about SQLite3 on the Pioreactor

How do I access the SQlite3 database?

Runpio db on the leader to open up the database shell. You can quit with .q.

Where is a list of tables on the database?

You can either use .tables in the sqlite shell, or visit all the tables schemas here.

How can I add new SQL tables?

Using the sqlite shell (pio db), you can execute any SQL statements, including creating new tables. Plugins can also automatically create new tables when installed, see instructions here.

How do I populate my own SQL tables?

The Pioreactor job mqtt_to_db_streaming handles how to get data into the sqlite3 database. This job listens to specific topics in MQTT, and writes it to the database. We've implemented hooks into mqtt_to_db_streaming job for you to added your own topics. In your code:

  1. a parser, usually called parser, function that accepts a MQTT topic and payload, and returns a dictionary that maps to the tables schema.
  2. a TopicToParserToTable object is created with the MQTT topics to listen to, the parser, and the table name to load to. This TopicToParserToTable is provided to register_source_to_sink.

Example below for a CO2 sensor:

from pioreactor.background_jobs.leader.mqtt_to_db_streaming import produce_metadata
from pioreactor.background_jobs.leader.mqtt_to_db_streaming import register_source_to_sink
from pioreactor.background_jobs.leader.mqtt_to_db_streaming import TopicToParserToTable
from pioreactor.utils import timing


def parser(topic, payload) -> dict:
metadata = produce_metadata(topic)
return {
"experiment": metadata.experiment,
"pioreactor_unit": metadata.pioreactor_unit,
"timestamp": timing.current_utc_timestamp(),
"co2_reading_ppm": float(payload),

["pioreactor/+/+/scd_reading/co2", "pioreactor/+/+/co2_reading/co2"],

You can place this into the ~/.pioreactor/plugins folder. The next time mqtt_to_db_streaming starts, it will starts listening to the specific topics.