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Automation events

The execute method attached to any automation can return either None, or a AutomationEvent. If the latter, the event will be published to MQTT as a published setting, i.e under the topic pioreactor/<unit>/<experiment>/dosing_automation/latest_event. This can be used to downstream events that want to know about what events are occurring.

It may make more sense to look at a specific execute. This is from the builtin Turbidostat automation:

class Turbidostat(DosingAutomationJob):

def execute(self) -> Optional[events.DilutionEvent]:
if self.latest_od >= self.target_od:
self.execute_io_action(media_ml=self.volume, waste_ml=self.volume)
return events.DilutionEvent(
f"latest OD={self.latest_od:.2f} >= target OD={self.target_od:.2f}",
{'latest_od': self.latest_od, 'target_od': self.target_od}

When execute runs, either a DilutionEvent or nothing is returned. All events take up two (optional) arguments: a message, and a dictionary of arbitrary data. In this case, we've included a small message of why the dosing did or did not occur, and included some metadata about the optical densities.

After execute returns an event, it will be published to MQTT. For example:

pioreactor/unit/demo_exp/dosing_automation/latest_event   {"event_name":"NoEvent","message":"latest OD=0.98 < target OD=1.00","data":{"latest_od":0.98,"target_od":1.0}}

This can be listed in other jobs, and acted on, if needed.

Using events, and creating your own

Pioreactor ships with some default events. They are located in Events are simple subclass of events.AutomationEvent, so events behave and look the same, except for their name.

You can create custom automations, too:

From import AutomationEvent

class MyExampleEvent(AutomationEvent):

class MyAutomation(...):

def execute(self):
event = MyExampleEvent("my message", {'some_data': 1.0})
return event