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Adding basic time series charts

You can add custom charts to the UI. Below is an example of adding a chart that displays historical and real-time CO2 sensor data.

custom chart of CO2 reading

Step 1

Create a yaml file with the following fields, and place it in /home/pioreactor/.pioreactor/plugins/ui/contrib/charts. (Plugins can put the yaml file under ui/contrib/charts in there project folder - it will be added upon installation.)

  • chart_key: a unique identifier for the chart being added, string.
  • data_source: the SQL table to read historical data from. The data source must have a timestamp, pioreactor_unit, and experiment column, along with a numeric column to plot (see below), string.
  • data_source_column: the column in data_source to read and display, string.
  • title: title on the chart, string
  • y_axis_label: the y-axis label, string
  • fixed_decimals: How many decimals to display, integer.
  • mqtt_topic: a truncated MQTT topic to read live data from - stripped of the pioreactor/<unit>/<experiment> part. Ex: co2_readings/ppm if the entire MQTT topic is pioreactor/<unit>/<experiment>/co2_readings/ppm, string.
  • payload_key: (Optional) If the MQTT topic is json blobs, use the payload_key to retrieve the data from the blob, string.
  • interpolation: (Optional) the interpolation to use between points, default is stepAfter, string.
  • y_axis_domain: (Optional) specify a starting y-axis domain. Must be an array, like [0.0, 0.5].
  • y_transformation: (Optional) an inline JS function to transform the y data. Default is the identity function, string.

See examples of yaml files here and here.

Step 2

In your config.ini, add your chart key under [ui.overview.charts] and assign it 1. Example:

# show/hide charts on the PioreactorUI dashboard
# 1 is show, 0 is hide


  • If the UI stops displaying data, you may have introduced a yaml file that is not being read correctly. Check out the Pioreactor UI logs by sshing into the leader, and running:
tail /var/log/pioreactor.log

The last few lines should tell you about if a field is missing, a wrong type, etc.

  • There is a 30sec cache, so it may take up to 30sec to see new changes in the UI.